ICAS 2023

June 25, 2023

We are delighted to inform you that Queenstown Primary School will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS AssessmentsTM this year.

ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies.

Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals and are invited to attend special award ceremonies to have their academic excellence publicly recognised.

We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. The assessments are suitable for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment that has been running for over 40 years. Your child will be presented with high-quality, expert-developed questions, allowing them to apply their learning without the need for prior study or revision.

ICAS Assessments are online, a move that reflects a sector-wide transition to online assessments. This allows greater accessibility for students and faster delivery of results.

Learn more about ICAS here: https://www.icasassessments.com/products-icas

2023 Participation

Our school has signed up for the ICAS Assessments parent payment system (PPS) for English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies. Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school. Please use the following details to register your child no later than July 15 2023.

Access details for parents

Your school access code is:


Your parent page link is:


These assessments will take place during the day starting at 9:00 am.

Queenstown Primary School has partnered with ICAS Assessments on delivering our 2023 assessment strategy and has scheduled the following assessments:

ICAS Digital Technologies – 8 August 2023

ICAS Writing – 7 August 2023

ICAS English – 14 August 2023

ICAS Science – 21 August 2023

ICAS Spelling Bee – 22 August 2023

ICAS Maths – 28 August 2023

For these tests each students’ device must have the required locked-down browser. The school will provide devices. However, if your child has their own device please download the required browser onto your child’s device by 1 August to ensure the device is ready for test day. They are welcome to use school devices which may be easier.

The instructions on how to download the browser onto your child’s device are available here: https://www.icasassessments.com/support/technical-requirements-locked-down-browser

This secure locked-down browser is designed to do the following during the test(s):

  • Prevent students from accessing other applications, web pages, software or hardware features and only provides access to the test player.

  • Prevents the use of operating system commands such as functions accessed by Ctrl-Alt-Delete.

  • Disables features such as the camera, spell check, screenshot, home, keyboard shortcuts, and back and power buttons.

For more information about these assessments visit, https://www.icasassessments.com/products.

Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Privacy Collection Statement

To analyse your child’s progress effectively, our school conducts an ongoing assessment program. The assessment we are using is a product of Janison Solutions Pty Ltd (Janison). In order to deliver the assessment, Queenstown Primary and Janison (through our school) collect your child’s personal information, such as their name, date of birth, year level and school results when you register your child to sit an assessment in the program. You must ensure that this information is accurate and current.

Janison does not:

  • Collect any personal information or data of children other than as required for the purposes of completion of the exam;
  • Transfer any personal information or data obtained during the delivery of the ICAS exam out of Australia;
  • Share any personal information or data relating to children or students with any third parties;
  • Retain any personal information or data acquired during the delivery of the ICAS exam, and all such information or data is deleted from all Janison systems immediately upon completion of Janison’s contractual reporting to the school.

As the parent or guardian of a student who intends to sit an assessment, by registering your child into the assessment, you consent to our school and Janison collecting and using your child’s personal information for the purposes outlined above.

If you do not provide your child’s personal information to us or Janison, we may not be able to deliver the assessment to your child. If you wish to access or correct your child’s personal information or to make a complaint about how we have handled your child’s personal information, please contact Janison’s Privacy Officer at privacy@janison.com or by writing to the Legal and Compliance Team, Janison Solutions Pty Ltd, 80 Bay Street, Ultimo, Sydney NSW 2007.

We are proud to offer the ICAS Assessments and look forward to some fantastic results later in the year.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Justine Lock,

Deputy Principal