Outdoor Education

Queenstown Primary School is renowned for its Outdoor Education programme and we’re proud of the opportunities and experiences made available to our students/ ākonga.

Outdoor Education is an aspect of Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) and aims to extend the four walls of the classroom.

Programmes in Outdoor Education are essential for connecting students with nature and their local environment.

Through learning in outdoor education, students can explore concepts such as manaakitanga (care and responsibility), kaitiakitanga (guardianship), whakawhanaungatanga (social connections), ārahitanga (leadership), and kotahitanga (unity and cooperation). We value students giving back to the community who generously support the school.

Outdoor Education includes learning skills in specific outdoor activities, such as biking, camping and hiking.

It also includes developing an appreciation of the local area, learning the stories, and how the environment is connected to where they live.

Outdoor activities foster the personal and social development of students through experiences involving:

  • co-operation
  • trust
  • problem-solving
  • decision making
  • goal setting
  • communication
  • leadership
  • responsibility
  • reflection

Queenstown Primary School weaves the following concepts through learning in this area:


EOTC Opportunities